B. 23. Italian ¾ violin, having the tag: A.
In addition to the tag, there is an ink writing: ANTONIUS STRADIVARIUS
CRAEMONENSIS / FACIEBAT ANNO 17 and the symbol with two concentric circles, the
cross and the letters A S. The instrument has a belly made of fir, back and
ribs made of maple with fiddleback and, under the ebonised fingerboard, a
planking measuring about one millimetre. Total length 571mm (22.5”), width of
upper bout 155mm (6.1), width of lower bout 191mm (7.5).
B. 27. Three-stringed sonometer
dating back to the first decade of 20th century. The sonometer is an instrument
that determines the pitch of a sound, that is the number of its vibrations. It
uses the property that the number of vibrations of a tensed string, if the
tension doesn’t vary, has inverse ratio than its length. The sonometer consists
of a wooden rectangular box that has, at its ends, two fixed bridges on which
the strings lie. These are fastened to one end with some screw machineries and
to the other end with some springs. If we want to limit the vibrating part of
the string, we can press it on a third bridge that slides at our choosing along
the instrument. We can read the length of the vibrating part on a scale drawn
along the string. This instrument is 63mm (2.5”) wide, 850mm (33.45”) long,
diapason 61mm (2.4”). On the sound board there are four circular holes and the
scale with the caption: L. E. Knott Apparatus Co. / Boston, Mass. while on the
back there is a ruined title block where you can read: SONOMETER NO. 53 – 11 /
L. E. Knott Apparatus Co. / CAMBRIDGE, Mass.
B. 31. Ochydactyl, instrument
used by musician and typists to improve the agility and the stretching apart of
the fingers, datable to early 20th century. It is made of five slots for the
fingers continuing on long levers connected to some springs that could be arranged
on several positions, letting to set the “strength”. The whole structure is
made of metal and is 110mm (4.35”) long, 165mm (6.5”) broad, and 110mm (4.35”)
wide, while the levers are 265mm (10.45”) long.
B. 32. Anonymous bowed psaltery
probably made during the first half of 20th century. It is a variation of the
psaltery; in this variation the sound is realised by rubbing the metal strings
with a small bow. The possibility to easily play the strings of the diatonic
sounds as well as the strings of the accidental sounds causes the instrument to
have to be in a triangular shape. It is an isosceles triangle with
harmonic-steel strings arranged perpendicularly on the shorter side, rubbed by
a bow. On the right side there are the natural notes and on the left side the
accidental notes. The peculiarity of this instrument is due to its sound, rich
of harmonics and resonances. The dimensions of the long sides are 585mm
(23.05”) while the base is 195mm (7.65”). It has a short bow and 26 strings
with a range from F4 to G5.
F. 7. Flageolets made of
celluloid by Charles Ullmann between 1890 and 1895. The first, with
quadrangular section (but cylindrical base), is 223mm (8.75”) long with 6 holes
and decorations made of false tortoiseshell, is branded: Atlas / five-pointed
star U five-pointed star / Paris / deposee and on the back: n* 2299 / SOL / G.
The second, cylindrical, with six front holes, is 251mm (9.9”) long, branded:
Atlas / five-pointed star U five-pointed star / Paris / deposee and on the
back: n* 2290 / FA / F.
F. 33. Flautino, probably
Campanian, datable to the first half of 19th century. The instrument, with a
very high pitch, presents four front holes and a back hole, a wooden fipple and
the length of 108mm (4.25”).
F. 41. Recorder with close
barrel, datable between the end of 18th century and the beginning of 19th
century, anonymous, made of ivory with five holes (two front holes, one back
hole, and two side holes), scale: G, A, B, D, E, G. The instrument is 75mm
(2.95”) long, 47mm (1.85”) wide, and shows a little pin at the foot.
F. 43. French flageolet
d’oiseau, anonymous, datable to the second half of 18th century, made of ivory
in the shape of a branch with beak, foot, and knots coloured brown. It is an
instrument with four front holes and two back holes for the thumbs. The
invention of this instrument is attributed to Charles Burney, in Juvigny Sieur
de Paris, who played it for Ballet Comique de la Reine. The instrument has been
described and illustrated by Marin Mersenne (1588 - 1648) in his Harmonie
Universelle in 1636 (fifth book "woodwinds A"). The first found
flageolet method is Thomas Saluto’s “The Pleasant Companion: or New Lessons and
Instructions for the Flagelet”. It was used also for 17th century art music,
for example in an instrumental overture for two flageolets in Abelle orathory
by Pietro Torri, in Brussels in 1695. The flageolet d’oiseau was later used in
18th century by Vivaldi, Handel, and Gluck.
F. 45. Anonymous flautino,
stained wood, six front holes and with a small slit at the side of the lip of
the box. The profile wave (Wellenprofil) specifically recalls the tools of the
school of Nuremberg late 600 / early 700. The instrument is high mm. 118.
F. 50. Italian Cucù,
anonymous, probably Tuscan, built in the mid-nineteenth century. The instrument
is ivory, with two side holes that allows you to vary the note from B to C and
A# and a labium with a wooden wedge. The cuckoo measures mm. 75 and has a
vaguely truncated cone shape.
F. 51. French flageolet
(flageolet d'oiseau), anonymous, dating from the first half of the eighteenth
century, ivory body and head and foot in black horn. It is a tool with only
three holes at the front and two holes at the back for thumbs, the total length
of mm. 112 and A is the lower note. Its name derives from the particularly
sweet and acute sounds it emits, similar to a bird's song: it is the smallest
size of the flageolets. The instrument is contained in a cardboard case painted
F. 52. Soprano recorders
(five) dating from the 80s of the twentieth century. The first is marked
Bontempi, is made of black shockproof plastic with 3 white rings. It is in
three pieces for a length of mm. 327, has the baroque fingering with the two
lower double holes and an extension of 28 notes (DO-RE). Bontempi was an
Italian musical instruments company, founded in 1937 in Potenza Picena (MC) and
with another factory in Martinsicuro, closed down in 2014. The second is
anonymous, in ivory color plastic, in two pieces, German fingering with the two
lower double holes. The third is made of brown varnished wood from the Venus
series marketed by Meinel and Herold. It is in two pieces, German fingering
with the two lower double holes. Meinel & Herold was founded in Klingenthal
(Germany) in 1893. Later, in addition to the production of accordions, the
factory switched to the production and trade of musical instruments of all
kinds and soon became one of the largest commercial companies in and around
Klingenthal. The fourth is an instrument made in Italy, two pieces in ivory
coloured plastic, from the HIMALAYA series by EKO, German fingering with two
double lower holes and rear knurling for the thumb. The fifth is made in ivory
color plastic, in two pieces, German fingering with the two lower double holes.
It is branded KOKKO at the front and at the back 12 / made in Japan / PAT. P.
H. 24. Cordophon, a device
invented, patented and built by Max Schlittenbauer (1801/1892) destined, in the
spirit of the inventor, to intone stringed instruments without the help of the
ear! It is based on the sympathetic resonance phenomenon. It is a
parallelepiped, mm long. 464 with short sides of mm. 16 x 26 with a steel rope fixed
on a nut at each end of the ruler and a keyboard about half the length of the
rope. It mounts 12 divisions that allow you to hear, in addition to the sound
of the vibrating string as a whole, the twelve degrees of the chromatic scale.
A metal cursor slides over the cord and interrupts the desired length by
pressing one of the metal keys on the keyboard. A small metal disk, pierced in
the center, is inserted on the rope. The chordophone is placed on the
soundboard of an instrument and, by vibrating a string, the metal washer moves
as soon as we approach the desired note reaching its maximum movement when the
pitch is optimal, to gradually return to the state of rest when unison is
exceeded. To tune without ear, as the inventor promises, the most difficult
point of the operation is to note the moment when the disc has reached its
maximum movement. On the instrument there is the wording. CORDOPHON Patent
Schlittenbauer and, from one side of the keyboard the numbers from 0 to 12 and
in correspondence, on the other side, the words f, fis, g, gis, a, b, h, c,
cis, d, dis, e , f.
J. 91. Saxie, produced in
Paris by the Couesnon in 1924. It measures about mm. 629 of length excluding
the mouthpiece of sopranino sax. The inventor and custodian of the patent was
Frederick B. Hammam of Baltimore who filed the patent on June 3, 1924. Couesnon
bought the rights for Europe and produced it under the name of Saxie, marketing
it at the end of that year. The instrument needs a special fingering in order
to be played with acceptable intonation. It has six open holes and only two
keys: one, lateral, for the fa #, and one tone hole. On the bell there is
U-S-PATENT JUNE 3Rd 1924 / - BTE S.G.D.G. -. This instrument, in C and a
descendant to B, is in non-lacquered brass and has two large vent holes at the
end of the body. Auguste Guichard began producing musical instruments with 210
workers while his brother-in-law Pierre Gautrot produced instruments but at
home. Yet it is the latter who will buy Guichard in 1845 and will transform the
company in an increasingly industrial way. In 1855 he moved his factory to
Château - Thierry on the banks of the Marne. In 1865, Jean Baptiste Couesnon
went to work at Gautrot. His brother, Félix Couesnon, his sales agent, proposes
and obtains from Gautrot the privilege of managing his interests. In 1881 the
Paris office was created and the Triebert and Tulou factories were purchased on
the advice of Félix Couesnon. Felix's son, Amédée Couesnon, marries Gautrot's
daughter. In 1882, after the death of Pierre Gautrot, Amédée took over the
company (which his wife inherited) and named the company Couesnon et Cie
choosing the Euterpe muse as a symbol of society.
K. 14. Little celesta
(celestino, glockenspiel) from Germany, made at the beginning of 20th century.
The celesta is an idiophone instrument, that is producing the sound from the
material it is composed, without tighten parts: in this case, it’s a percussion
instrument, in appearance similar to a little piano. The sound, with a peculiar
timbre similar to a music box, is produced by some metal cups suspended and
struck by a system of little hammers controlled with a keyboard similar to the
keyboard of a piano. The sonority it can produce is soft, muffled in lower
notes, bright in middle notes, and brilliant in higher notes. Made and patented
in 1886 by the French Auguste Mustel, the celesta was played for the first time
in the musical world for the ballet The Nutcracker, by Pëtr Il'ič Čajkovskij,
in “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy”. This instrument is 300mm (11.8”) high,
460mm (18.1”) broad, and 271mm (10.65”) wide at the level of the keyboard; it
presents 25 keys (from A4 to E6) even if the outer keys does not produce any
K. 23. Flex-a-tone (or
fleximetal), built in 1930 in the United States, is an indirectly struck
idiophone percussion instrument consisting of a metal frame that ends with a
handle, at the upper end of which a flexible metal blade is attached. It is
alternately struck on each side by black wooden balls mounted on a long spring
at the free base of the plate. The first invention for a flexatone is found in
the British patents of 1922 and 1923. An instrument called 'Flex-a-tone' was
patented in the U.S.A. in 1924 by the Playertone Company of New York. It is
played by holding it in one hand with the palm around the metal frame and the
thumb on the free end of the steel spring. The player shakes the instrument,
causing the beaters to strike the walls of the metal sheet, producing a high or
low sound depending on the curvature impressed on the blade by thumb pressure.
The instrument has a length of 328 mm, a width of 121 mm, while the blade, in
the shape of an isosceles trapezoid, is 196 mm long, with an upper width of 75
mm and a lower width of 38 mm. It was used in jazz for its ability to reproduce
glissando effects but was also employed in orchestral music, film scores, and
animated cartoon music.
L. 13. Mouth accordion, reed
wind instrument made in Germany at the beginning of 20th century. It has a
trumpet embouchure and a parallelepipedic body (224 x 99 x 57 mm – 8.8” x 3.9”
x 2.25”) made of wood covered with celluloid on which there are ten melody buttons
on the right and two bass keys on the left. The buttons open same holes on the
wind chest that allow the reeds to vibrate.
L. 14. Hohner-sax, sax-like
instrument working like a harmonica. The air is conducted into the body of the
instrument that presents twelve keys (10 + 2) corresponding to twelve notes
emitted by metal reeds. This instrument has been made in Germany by Hohner during
the first half of 20th century.
L. 15. Trumpet-harmonica with
eight buttons, in two brass pieces and the mouthpiece, probably French and
datable to the second half of 19th century. The instrument, in shape of a
trumpet, presents eight buttons connected to as many metal reeds that, playing
like an accordion, produce a scale from C5 to C6. The instrument is 424mm
(16.7”) long.
L. 16. Trombone-harmonica,
French, made during the first decades of 20th century, on the bell there is the
label of the vendor: MUSIQUE / P. VANDERVILLE / DOUAI. The instrument with
closed slide is 536mm (21.1”) long; with open slide it is 672mm (26.45”) long. Inside
of the slide there are eight metal reeds that, according to the position,
produce eight different notes.
L. 17. Sax-harmonica, 1930s
toy made of golden metal, about 320mm (12.6”) high, in the shape of a saxophone
with a cup mouthpiece and six buttons. The buttons conduct the air to six metal
reeds producing the notes (B, C, D, E, F#, G).
L. 18. Flute-harmonica, German
toy made during the first years of 20th century. The instrument is made of a
wooden parallelepiped and a little side keyboard with ten round keys made of
mother of pearl controlling the external metal pallets. The sound is produced
by single metal reeds. The body has these dimensions: 32 x 79 x 226 mm (1.25” x
3.1” x 8.9”); the keyboard is 196mm (7.7”) long, there is an embouchure and an
end made of ebonised wood with a total length of 134mm (5.25”). On the side
there is the writing: Mein – Stolz.
L. 27. Diatonic Harmonicas
with four holes and eight notes, cut in C major for an extension of one octave,
three instruments. Two instruments are from the Little Lady series built in
Germany and one from the OK Golden Cup series built in China. These instruments
have a pear wood structure painted black, have eight brass reeds of mm. 0.9 and
have a stainless steel coating on which is engraved LITTLE LADY / MADE IN /
GERMANY while the Chinese one is painted cobalt blue and has the inscription:
image of cup / OK / Golden Cup. The dimensions are very small, 37 x 15 x 12 mm
and in fact, on December 16, 1965, the HOHNER Little Lady became the first
musical instrument in history to be played in space. Walter Schirra, commander
aboard Gemini 6, surprised Mission Control with the Christmas melody
"Jingle Bells" played with the small harmonica he had brought aboard:
Schirra played the harmonica, while Stafford played the bells. It was the first
musical interlude from space. The two astronauts had prepared for the performance
by attaching dental floss and Velcro to the instruments so that they could be
hung on the wall of the spacecraft when not in use. Stafford and Schirra
donated the instruments to the National Air and Space Museum in 1967. They are
on display in the Apollo to the Moon exhibition at the Museum in Washington,
DC. Hohner built these instruments in Germany until 1980 and then relocated
production to his factory in China. Currently they are produced in ABS of
modest quality and often used as key rings.
L. 30. Chromatic piano
accordion, model 'Ridotto' built around 1948 in Stradella (PV). There are
seventeen singing keys and 6 buttons for bass arranged in 2 rows with Stradella
bass mechanism. 6-fold cardboard mantle, fitted with metal corner guards. The
cases are entirely covered in green celluloid. The singing keys are made of
wood covered with white and black plastic. Bass buttons of white plastic. The
moulded aluminium valve cover makes the dust net visible. The valve cover bears
the nameplate with the name of the manufacturer: Stradellina. The belts are
made of black leather; the shoulder strap, also made of black leather, is
attached to the case by means of metal rings. The instrument is fitted with 4
black plastic feet; the dimensions are mm. 191 x 101 x 203.
M. 2. Terracotta whistles,
Italian, 20th century. The first represents a feminine figure, 77mm (3.05”)
long, and shows an embouchure and two holes. The second is a little spherical
ocarina with 4 upper holes and two lower holes. The third is a whistle in the shape
of an ocarina with side embouchure, 147mm (5.8”), 2 front holes and 1 back hole
with feminine faces and medallions. 2 water whistles miming the bird song, fish
shape, 100mm (3.95”) long. 3 zoomorphic whistles with embouchure hole and 2
holes in the shapes of a shell (71mm – 2.8”), of a little owl (88mm – 2.45”),
and of a swallow (112mm – 4.4”); the last is a zoomorphic whistle in the shape
of a rooster, made by Rosario Mastro in mid 20th century of not enamelled
scratched terracotta.
M. 3. Terracotta ocarinas,
20th century. This globular flute was invented in Budrio (Bologna) in 1863 by
Giuseppe Donati who was author of a notable production together with study
methods, up to the creation of a virtuosos ensemble. Cesare Vicinelli during
the first decades of 20th century acquired Donati’s inheritance opening another
manufacturer in Budrio and, perfecting the technique, took this simple
instrument to its splendour. The first two come from De Fazio manufacturer in
Grottaglie and they are decorative pieces, made of pottery, 197mm (7.75”) and
145mm (5.7”) long, with 8 front holes and 2 back holes; the third comes from
former East Germany, it is made of red-painted terracotta and presents 2 back
holes and 8 front holes, length 185mm (7.3”); the fourth is 113mm (4.45”) long,
probably Emilian, it has 8 front holes, the last a double hole, and 2 + 2 back
holes; the fifth and the sixth are two big non professional ocarinas (151mm –
5.95” and 180mm – 7.1”), made of not enamelled terracotta, made by Francesco
Annicchiarico; the seventh, made of black-painted terracotta, 148mm (5.8”)
long, comes from Austria and presents 8 front holes and 2 back holes; the
eighth and the ninth were made in Budrio, by Arrigo Mignani manufacturer, they
are made of wood and have un usual hole disposition, 129mm (5.05”) and 160mm
(6.3”) long; the tenth, lastly, made of black-painted wood, in D, Austrian make
(branded MUSIK / AUSTRIA, the letter D and two overlapping medals), is 178mm
(7”) long.
M. 6. Bird decoy made in 19th
century in France and Northern Italy. The first three are decoys for turtle
doves. Two of them are made of dark wood and one is made of boxwood. They are
turned in a spherical shape with a front hole and a foot. The first has the hole
covered with horn and it is 137mm (5.4”) long, the second is 116mm (4.55”)
long, while the third, made of pale wood, is 129mm (5.05”) long and has the
hole made of horn. The last three are decoys for plovers and cuckoos, they are
made of wood, with a single hole on the front, the side, or the foot and are
respectively 91mm (3.6”), 62mm (2.45”), and 62mm (2.45”) long.
M. 8. Castagnette from
Sorrento, sort of handled castanets made of a middle handled piece and two side
pieces that play making it resonate on the hand palm. One of them is made of
fir, 189mm (1.45”) long, and the other is made of sessile oak, 147mm (5.8”),
with a small circular ivory decoration on the handle.
M. 9. Castanets made of olive
wood during the first half of 20th century. These concussion instruments are in
the shape of shell and are played making them resonate in the hand palms; in
this case there are both the pairs of castanets. The instrument is 85 x 62 mm
(3.35” x 2.45”).
M. 11. French kazoo (mirliton),
Varinette, made during the second decade of 20th century. This instrument is made of a small wooden
pipe with a middle hole and two membranes at the ends. Blowing or singing in
the embouchure the membranes vibrate producing the sound.
M. 12. Slide whistles, pair of
English instruments, second half of 19th century, the first (65 mm – 2.55”) is
made of ivory with an ebony slide, and the second (57 mm – 2.25”) is made of
mahogany with bone slide and a border with a small brass chain.
M. 21. Toy in the shape of a
shawm with metal vibrating reed and four metal keys that make the notes vary.
Made of two wood pieces in central Italy in mid 19th century.
M. 23. English kazoo made during
the first decades of 20th century, ebonite body 114mm (4.5”) long, and two
metal bells for the vibrating reeds. Brand: SWANEE / SAZZAFONE / REG. / MADE IN
M. 24. Mirliton, probably made
in Northern Italy between the end of 18th century and the beginning of 19th
century. Cylindrical body, made of wood, 341mm (13.4”) long, covered with green
paper with blue and red dots. The ends are made of elegantly turned natural
wood, one of them with eight vent holes and the other with the embouchure and
the vibrating membrane.
M. 25. Mirliton, probably made
in Italy between the end of 18th century and the beginning of 19th century. The
cylindrical body, 261mm (10.25”) long, is made of turned wood and presents at
one end the embouchure and 24 vent holes. The two end pins are made of ebony
with the total length of 303mm (11.9”).
M. 26. Mirliton, probably made
in Venice between the end of 18th century and the beginning of 19th century. It
presents a cylindrical body, made of brown-coloured wood, with the embouchure
and 8 vent holes. The two ends, where there are the membranes, are screwed in
the body with a total length of 223mm (8.75”).
M. 27. Toy xylophone, made in
Switzerland at the end of 19th century. The instrument is made of 12 metal bars
(from C4 to F5) fixed on a wooden stand inserted in a wooden box (dimensions
371 x 133 x 48 mm – 14.6” x 5.25” x 1.9”) covered with coloured paper with
illustrations of playing children. Inside there is a small wooden mallet.
M. 28. Eunuch flute, probably
Neapolitan, datable to the second half / end of 18th century. The eunuch flute
is basically a mirliton with the sound membrane only at one end, professional,
often refined, make. This instrument presents the body, lightly conical, made
of stained wood, two rods and the ends made of finely carved bone. The
embouchure hole is on the narrow part of the body, near the membrane that,
hidden by the bone protection, was fixed whit a twine to the knurled tenon: the
total length of the instrument is 273mm (10.75”).
M. 31. Instruments for crèche
musician shepherds, Neapolitan, datable to mid 19th century. The instruments
are a cornamusa zoppa, type from Molise, with bag made of animal bladder and
wooden body, and a wooden shawm, made in a detailed way very faithful to the original.
M. 32. Decoys for quails made of
donkey leather, Italian, datable to the first decades of 20th century. These
instruments were made of bags of reversed donkey leather; five of them have a
piece of sheep bone (shinbone), and two of them have a metal pipe with a hole
used as a fipple. The sound is emitted pressing the bag. The instruments are
respectively 210mm (8.25”), 182mm (7.15”), 155mm (6.1”), 154mm (6.05”), 146mm
(5.75”), 157mm (6.2”) and 132mm (5.2”) long.
M. 34. Toy xylophone made in the
United States in 1930, in his original box. The instrument is made of eight
metal bars fixed on a metal trapezoidal stand that is 256mm (10.05”) long with
the sides being 106mm (4.15”) and 75mm (2.95”) long. There are also two mallets
made of coloured wood and some scores with simple songs.
M. 35. Bird decoys, Italian,
datable to the first decades of 20th century. The first, for thrushes, is made
of a cylindrical bellows, 38mm (1.5”) wide and 64mm (2.5”) high, made of a
spring with leather covering that, closed at the end by a wooden stopper, blow
the air in a metal cylinder at the bottom that produces the sound. The second,
for thrushes, is similar to the first with dimensions 38 x 60 mm (1.5” x
2.35”). The third is a decoy for black-winged stilts and it is a wooden
cylinder, 133mm (5.25”) high, with a cogwheel and a plate on the top. The
fourth is a decoy for magpies made of brass and green plastic, 94mm (3.7”)
high. The fifth is a decoy for magpies made of brass and pink plastic, 109mm
(4.3”) long. The sixth is pyriform, made of brass, for blackbirds, and is
played by inhaling, 62mm (2.45”). The seventh, for blackbirds, similar to the
previous, 69mm (2.7”) long. The eighth is 79mm (3.1”) long, for thrushes, made
of a wooden parallelepiped and the sound is produced by the rubbing of the metal
screw inside of it. The ninth is a metal decoy, for larks, with a long
embouchure and a small cylinder as the base, with total dimensions of 51mm
(2”). The tenth, for blackbirds, is a small flat cylinder made of metal, 24 x
20 mm (0.95” x 0.8”). The eleventh, for blackbirds, is similar to the previous,
with dimensions 28 x 7 mm (1.1” x 0.25”). The twelfth, for blackbirds, is
similar to the previous, with dimensions 37 x 14 mm (1.45” x 0.55”). The
thirteenth is a small conical decoy for larks made of bone, 27mm (1.05”). The
fourteenth is a decoy for marine birds, made of wood painted black, 86mm (3.4”)
high, with a spherical embouchure and a cylindrical body. The fifteenth is a
cylindrical boatswain whistle made of metal, 73mm (8.25”). The sixteenth is a
decoy for marine birds, pyriform, made of wood painted black, 55mm (2.15”). The
seventeenth is a decoy for mallards, made of wood painted black, conical, 104mm
(4.1”) high. The eighteenth is a decoy for ducks made of sheep bone,
cylindrical, 62mm (2.45”) long. The nineteenth is a globular whistle, for
turtle doves, made of brown plastic, 115mm (4.5”) long.
M. 36. German toys, made of
tinplate cylinders with childhood decorations and a crank on the top that, when
turned, produces the sounds. The instruments have different dimensions: one is
74 x 76 mm (2.9” x 3”) and is decorated with some puppies; three are 90 x 82 mm
(3.55” x 3.2”) and are decorated with circus scenes, with a redhead child, and
with bunnies and bear cubs; the fifth is 110 x 106 mm (4.3” x 4.15”) and is
decorated with playing children.
M. 40. Decoys for marine birds
made of pale wood, Piedmontese, datable to mid 20th century. The first is 120mm
(4.7”) long and presents a small embouchure hole and a big opening at the base.
The second, lightly cylindrical, 105mm (4.15”) long, has a big embouchure and
vent hole. The third, 107mm (4.2”) long, has the shape recalling a bottle with
a small hole on the top and a fipple on the neck, and it has the foot closed.
The fourth has the shape of a cross, 74 x 115 mm (2.9” x 4.5”), with the
embouchure and the fipple on the small side, a hole on the right side, and a
little inner cylinder. The fifth is similar to the previous with dimensions 54
x 64 mm (2.1” x 2.5”) but with two holes at the end of the side arms. The sixth
is a 103 mm (4.05”) whistle, open at the foot, with an upper embouchure and a
fipple on the body. The seventh and the eighth are similar to the previous but
their dimensions are 85mm (3.35”) and 72mm (2.85”). The last is a small
whistle, closed at the foot, 68mm (2.65”) long.
M. 49. Neapolitan crèche
musicians, made of polychrome terracotta, folk make, datable to the second half
of 19th century. This little collection of eight figures copies the Moor bands
of Neapolitan crèche since 18th century and it is made of trumpet, trombone, cymbals,
drum, and serpent players with their typical Turkish costumes.
M. 51. Whistles from various
origin. The first is a hunting whistle from Piedmont, made of ivory with the
head of a satyr, about 80mm (3.15”) long and datable to early 19th century. The
second is a hunting whistle made of black horn with the head of a dog, Piedmontese,
75mm (2.95”) long, datable to mid 18th century. The third a hunting bone
whistle, cylindrical, 50mm (1.95”) long, and datable to mid 19th century. The
fourth is a whistle for falcons made of bone, datable to the end of 18th
century, 46mm (1.8”) long, while the last is a small bone flute in the shape of
a fish, with 4+1 holes, 110mm (4.35”) long, datable to mid 19th century.
M. 52. Toys for babies, dating
back to 1950s: 1) tinplate ratchet, 80mm (3.15”) wide and 12mm (0.45”) high,
with the head of a clown drawn on the top; 2) rattle made of silvered metal,
consisting of a 37mm (1.45”) wide sphere with a small marble inside, and a 146mm
(5.75”) long twisting handle.
M. 55. Couple of toy rattles
with metal reed whistle. The two toys date back to 1930s, they are made of
tinplate and are 108mm (4.25”) long. The handle is in the shape of a
conical-frustum and on the free end there is the embouchure hole of the whistle
while on the other end there is a cylinder, 38mm (1.5”) wide and 20mm (0.8”)
high, with drawings of children, containing little pieces of metal that give
the sound to the rattle. The first has the drawing of a boxer child while the
second has the drawing of a musketeer child.
M. 56. Toy diatonic button
accordions dating back to 1940s, German, made of pressed cardboard. One of them
has six melody buttons, red sides with golden borders, and the bellows made of
floral paper, with dimensions 208 x 106 x 63 mm (8.2” x 4.15” x 2.5”). The other
one has ten buttons and two basses, red sides, and bellows with golden borders
with a metal support, with dimensions 214 x 114 x 86 mm (8.4” x 4.5” x 3.4”).
M. 57. French flageolet
(flageolet d'oiseau) and whistle for children, made of wood, dating back to
1940s. The flageolet is 102mm (4”) long and presents four front holes and a
back hole with a large embouchure and an approximate fipple. The whistle is
made of amaranth-coloured wood, 47mm (1.85”) long.
M. 58. Metal tambourine and
couple of musician puppets, toys dating back to 1950s. The tambourine is made
of tinplate coloured green and yellow with figures of anthropomorphic animals
and little house, German, branded Agatex, dimensions 162 x 39 mm (6.35” x 1.55”);
it has a hole for the thumb and three pair (one missing) of jingles. The
puppets are two musicians of bass drum and cymbals, put on a 148 x 68mm (5.8” x
2.65”) base with wheels. The child, pushing the base with a long (missing)
shaft, make the wheel rotate on the ground and these, with a simple mechanism,
make the puppets move.
M. 62. Hohner soprano melodica,
made in 1959 of green metal with black and white keys. The range is two octaves
(from C4 to C6). The melodica is a musical instrument similar to the accordion
and the harmonica created by Hohner in 1950: it is a free reeds aerophone with
keyboard. The melodica, also known as pianica, blow-organ, or key-flute, has a
keyboard with 25 notes on the top and it is played blowing the air through a
mouthpiece. This instrument is 338mm (13.3”) long, 59mm (2.3”) wide, and has
its original cardboard case.
M. 63. Hohner alto melodica,
made in 1959 of red metal with black and white keys. The range is two octaves
(from F3 to F5). The melodica is a musical instrument similar to the accordion
and the harmonica created by Hohner in 1950: it is a free reeds aerophone with
keyboard. The melodica, also known as pianica, blow-organ, or key-flute, has a
keyboard with 25 notes on the top and it is played blowing the air through a
mouthpiece. This instrument is 338mm (13.3”) long, 59mm (2.3”) wide, and it has
its original cardboard case and two mouthpieces, one black and one white, with
a different air opening.
M. 64. Kazoo made of pale wood,
French, datable to early 20th century. The instrument has two side membranes
with changeable tension by means of a screw system, and a central embouchure
hole. It is contained in a wooden rounded case.
M. 65. Zellophone, American toy
produced during the third decade of 20th century by J. Pressman & co. Inc.
in New York (n° 610). The Pressman Toy Corporation was founded in 1922 by Jack
Pressman and specialised in producing folk toys with decent quality and, till
1947, it produced toys inspired to Walt Disney production. This is a sort of
xylophone with the sounding body made of eight glass tubes beaten with a wooden
mallet. The dimensions of the cardboard box, also used as a support for the
instrument, are 40 x 230 mm (1.55” x 9.05”) and inside there are, besides the
eight glass tubes, a series of six short melodies that could be played with the
M. 67. Ocarinas (quartet) made
of white terracotta by the Apulian Giorgio Cataldi. These are the result of the
continuous experimentation tending to increase the range of this one-chambered
instrument into alto and tenor ranges and to improve the sounds and the weight
for bass and contrabass ranges. The tuning are in C (141mm – 5.55”), in G
(146mm – 5.75”), in F (149mm – 5.85”) and double-chambered bass in C (272mm –
10.7”). The instruments are branded G CAT and on the embouchure there is the
indication of the tuning, they have two back holes and eight front holes with
the last and the third to last as double holes. The bass has only the third to
last hole of the lower body as a double hole while the higher chamber has five
front holes and two back holes.
M. 68. Toy in the shape of a
clarinet, anonymous, probably German, dating back to the end of 19th century.
The instrument is made of a cylindrical body and a lightly flared bell made of
wood painted black with a pale wood embouchure. The total length is 354mm (13.95”).
On the body there are six keys that, activated, free some metal reeds producing
as many notes.
M. 69. Contrabass ocarina made
of “Etruscan” clay by Giorgio Cataldi in 2013. This is the biggest shape this
instrument can reach: the length is 360mm (14.5”) while the diameter at the
embouchure is 401mm (15.8”). Besides the fipple hole, there are two back holes
for the thumbs and, on the front, four holes for the right hand and three holes
for the left hand.
M. 70. Ocarina in C made of red
clay in 2013 by Giorgio Cataldi. The instrument presents two back holes for the
thumbs and the fipple hole while on the front there are four holes for the left
hand and four hole for the right hand with the last being a double hole. The
length is 179mm (7.05”).
M. 71. Whistle made of metal
datable to early 20th century, very little and probably made for a child.
M. 72. Tin trumpets, first half
of 20th century, Italian, produced by Marchesini manufacturer. Agostino
Marchesini manufacturer was born in 1908 and was one of the oldest toy
manufacturers, with offices in Bologna, branded its toys with the initials AMB
Bologna. The instruments are 110mm (4.35”) high and they have a metal reed to
produce the sound. The first is coloured with black, red, and white squares;
the second with blue, red, and black squares on a red background. They both
have a small blue handle and a white embouchure.
M. 78. Salentino toy tambourine,
datable to mid 20th century, made of beechwood and leather with three pairs of
metal sheet jingles. The diameter is 183mm (7.2”) and the height of the rim is
48mm (1.9”). In addition to three holes for the jingles, on the rim there is a
circular hole for the grip.
M. 79. Stock, two chanters, and
two drones of a Calabrian sordulina in G, datable to the first half of 20th
century. There are two chanter of the same length, a shorter drone and a longer
drone, both longer than the chanters, each one with inner cylindrical bore with
diameter measuring 8mm (0.3”). This instrument is made of wood decorated with
geometric shapes, meanders, and leaves except for the longer drone that seems
to have been restored. All the canes finish with large bells (110mm -4.35”- for
the chanters, 120mm -4.7”- and 105 -4.15”- for the drones) having a merely
aesthetic function, because the inner bore is always cylindrical. The two
chanters, starting from the stock, measure 208mm (8.2”), with four holes for
the fingers for “ritta” (right hand) and “manca” (left hand); on the first
there is a sound hole, while the second is wedged with a piece of wax that
allow to silence the chanter by closing all the holes. The higher drone
(“fischietto” or “scandillo”) measures 112mm (4.4”) and the lower one (“trumm”
or “trombone”) measures 232mm (9.15”). The stock, with conical-frustum shape,
is 131mm (5.15”) high and, at the base, 135mm (5.3”) wide.
M. 80. Harmonica, anonymous,
probably built in the first half of the twentieth century and consists of a
red-painted parallelepiped wooden, sized mm. 415 x 120 x 74 which contains the
metal reeds. On the left side is placed a kind of wind chest, in dark wood, with
22 long (mm. 215) keys that open the hole for the air vent. The insufflator is
made from a thick copper tube positioned on the short side of the instrument
while on the right side there is a leather handle.
M. 81. Clarina, German musical
toy, made by Hohner in the '60s. The height is mm. 390, mouthpiece and bell are
made of white plastic while the body, cylindrical mm. 300, is covered with
black linen paper. There are eight keys (Do major), which, driven by the right
hand, they open the holes and bring into vibration of metal reeds that produce
the notes.
M. 83. Mirliton, built in
northern Italy in the first quarter of the nineteenth century. Ebony
cylindrical body with a length of mm. 301 and of mm. 24 in diameter and two
mouth holes. The terminals, in which the membranes are housed, are made of
boxwood with a truncated cone section, richly turned and coloured red, mm high.
27 and a final diameter of mm. 60 with some signs of wear. The refined invoice
indicates an aristocratic destination and not a toy for children. Published in:
M. Kirnbauer, De Zwitzers hebben ook een zeker Instrument - Die Schweitz und
die Eunuchenflöte, Glareana 50(2), 2002, 51-57, p. 55 (with photo).
M. 84. Onion flute built in
northern Italy in the second half of the nineteenth century. Long mm. 598 e.
The body is made of bamboo with a length of mm. 444 and diameter of mm. 24, has
a large hole for the mouth of mm 42 at one end eighteen small vent holes at the
other end. The terminals are made of onion-shaped painted wood with a diameter
of mm. 42: On the end of the mouth hole there are twelve other small vent
holes. In "chinoiserie" style, probably for aristocratic destination
(not a toy for children). It may have been restored in the last century.
M. 86. Tintinnabula, three
liberty Italian style silver rattles, dating back to the first decade of the
twentieth century. The workmanship of excellent workmanship and the
construction material show a noble commission. These toys for babies contain
inside the balls that cause a sound when they are shaken, two have a large ring
to hang it and all have a light blue ribbon. The former has a vaguely hexagonal
shape, the second is shaped like a big bow, while the third is reminiscent of a
ripe fruit in the center of which there are six seeds. The approximate
dimensions of all three are mm. 50 per side and mm. 20 of height.
M. 89. Tin Whistles (Irish
flutes), three instruments, two of them cut in D and one in B-flat. The tin
whistles are fipple Irish flutes, used as toys but also appreciated by
professionals, they have a metallic cylindrical body, six front holes and a
labium mouthpiece. They were produced in the 1980s in Dublin by McCullough
Pigott Mfg. Ltd. Pigott's company has been part of the music scene in Dublin
since 1823: known as one of the city's main music stores, Pigott's has been
involved in wind, brass and pianos. Denis McCullough was a violinmaker and a
Belfast piano tuner. Following a fire in his Dublin music store in the 1960s,
the two companies merged and became McCullough Pigott (Manufacturing) Limited,
which remained active until the 1990s. The instrument in B-flat and one of
those in B are marked GENERATION / BRITISH / MADE; the first one, in
nickel-plated brass, is mm. 374 long and has a blue mouthpiece while the second
has a red mouthpiece, which distinguishes the brass instruments, and is mm. 296
long. The second instrument in B, long mm. 300, has the green mouthpiece, is in
brass and is marked FEADÓG / Made in Ireland / BY / McCullough Pigott Mfg.
M. 98. Triple whistle in bone
and metal made in Italy in the first half of the 20th century. The instrument
consists of a central, cylindrical, metal body of mm. 56 in length and mm. 17
in diameter. In the middle there is a large oval opening and, on the opposite
side, there is a cylinder with a hole in the center that allows to be emitted
of the sound. On one side there is a labium, in horn, with a wooden wedge with
a length of mm. 33, on the other a cylinder, in horn, with a length of mm. 44,
which houses a metal reed which constitutes the third whistle.
M. 99. Whistles for birdcall
made in Italy in century the 20th century.
1. quail call made of black reversed donkey hide and bone 158 mm. long,
diameter of bone 20 mm.
2. labium whistle, wooden, 68 mm. long, diameter 19 mm.
3. quail call, black reversed donkey hide and bone, 168mm long, diameter
of bone 20mm.
4. thrushes call, consisting of a bellows cylinder 124 mm long; the
leather part is 41 mm wide and the brass part 23 mm wide.
5. quail call made of black reversed ass hide and bone 143 mm long,
diameter of bone 11 mm.
6. quail call, black reversed donkey skin and bone 145 mm long, bone diameter 24 mm.
7. bilaminar bone waterfowls' call consisting of two parallel blades. At
the edges there are two terminals with a total length of 80 mm and a width of
17 mm.
8. two calls for blackbirds, circular base 20 mm long and 12 mm high
with central hole.
9. light wood cuckoo call 129 mm long, with a small hole for changing
tone surrounded by a metal hoop.
10. quail call made of black reversed donkey hide and bone 152 mm long,
diameter of bone 15 mm.
M. 100. An Apulian terracotta
whistle in the shape of a bird, made at the end of the 19th century. This type
of whistle is common to cultures all over the world, from South America to
China, from Africa to Europe. In Italy, too, they are extremely widespread, with
distinctive characteristics for each region: the most important figurine
manufactures in Puglia (Grottaglie, Gravina, Rutigliano, Cutrofiano) are no
exception. The playing of these whistles on New Year's Eve is believed to bring
good omens for the coming year. The base, coloured red and green, holds the
whistle made of uncoloured terracotta. An iron wire, starting from the base,
holds the terracotta bird with a yellow body, green wings and red tail. On the
tail are three light blue feathers and on the head are two long (mm. 270)
turquoise parrot feathers. The total height is 330 mm. while the height of the
bird alone with the base is 121 mm.
M. 101. Sarchiapone, zoomorphic
whistle inspired by the famous skit by Walter Chiari and Carlo Campanini in
1958, revived in 1974 with Ornella Vanoni. The whistle, made in 2006 by the
ceramist Nunzio Basile, is shaped like a pourer, has the blowing hole on the handle
and the labium, at the front, on the tongue of the sarchiapone (mother-in-law's
tongue). The instrument is decorated with colours in shades of green and
yellow; the handle is a fish with two hind legs, on the neck of the pourer is
an angel with a sword and the head is a dragon with front legs and protruding
tongue. The overall length is 335 mm., the height 192 mm. and the width 221 mm.
M. 116. Bone castanets, probably
made in Sicily in the mid-20th century. Castanets are a mutual concussion
instrument, shaped like a St. James shell, with a concave internal part. The
sound is produced by the percussion of the two valves held in the palm of the hand.
The instrument is particularly small; the diameter is mm. 30 while the length
is mm. 44.
M. 119. Ocarina in C, made of
porcelain decorated with an onion pattern, crafted in the first decade of the
20th century in Meissen by the company Max Freyer & Co., founded in 1891.
This company was known for its ocarinas decorated with onion patterns as well
as for producing porcelain mandolins and violins. The mouthpiece bears an
engraved number: 5. It features the famous Zwiebelmuster (blue onion) pattern,
hand-painted in cobalt blue on a white background. There are eight holes on the
front and two on the back: length 161 mm and width at the mouthpiece 75 mm.
O. 2. Playasax, mechanical
instrument, American, made during the first half of 20th century, in the shape
of a small saxophone and made of a sort of harmonica with metal reeds that play
guided by a pierced sheet of paper mounted on two wooden music rolls and activated
by a crank. The piece on the barrel is: QRS Playasax, P136 Marching Thru
O. 6. Italian music box, made
during the first decades of 20th century. The metal instrument has the shape of
a roundabout with four horses made of Bakelite in the centre and four wooden
figures of children playing on the roundabout. On the top there are four small
red lights supplied by a battery.
O. 54. Le avventure di Pinocchio on 78-turn Durium records, unbreakable (cardboard). Opera recorded in Milan from 6 to 17 November 1933 in the Durium phonographic studio. Orchestra chosen by Teatro della Scala conducted by L. Malatesta. Collodi's masterpiece presented, screenplayed, spoken and sung. Adaptation of A. Airoldi and G. Cantini, musical comments by M. Mariotti, sceneries and colour illustrations of "Attilio". Set of 18 records housed in 9 double cases illustrated by Attilio Mussino, in turn stored in a box (mm. 290 x 275 x 60) of cardboard, also brilliantly illustrated in color. Inside each pair of records there is also a foldable two pages in which, only on the front, are depicted figures that were intended to be cut out by the child and placed in the background of the cases as a theatre. Index of the eighteen discs is printed on the reverse side of the cover. Mussino's illustrations, which obviously follow the progression of events, also have the peculiarity of incorporating the image of the Durium disc into the scene.
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